Let's create your free account.
Register and get quotes for your loads, offer groupage and more.
Takes 2 min

Let's start with your first name.*

or press Enter ↵
Thanks {{name}}, and your last name ?*

or press Enter ↵
What email address can we reach you at? This is only to send quotes, not to send spam. *
We love GDPR, and GDPR loves us.

or press Enter ↵
And what is your mobile number {{name}} *
Just in case we need to verify a few informations.

or press Enter ↵
How to you want to use easygroupage?
Get quotes and ship my loads
Offer groupage

Thanks {{name}}. Now let's get your company registered
What is your company name?

or press Enter ↵
In which country does {{entreprise}} operate ? *
If you have mutliple branches, only select the country where you operate.

And what is {{entreprise}}'s legal address in {{pays}}?
We need this for our quotes and invoices.

Is {{entreprise}} a member of any of the following associations? *
Multiple selections are possible

By filling this form, you allow easygroupage to use your for the purpose of sending you relevant information *
You can change this information anytime by emailing us at
I accept
I don't accept
Thank you {name}, our team will contact you shortly to finalize your registration.
In the meantime, do not hesitate to send us an email if your request is urgent :